Solix sp. z o.o. is implementing a project under the Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020 Priority Axis and Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland Activity 1.2 Internationalisation of SMEs entitled "Increasing the competitiveness of Solix Sp. z o.o.". The aim of the project is to increase the economic activity of Solix Sp z o.o. from the macro-region of Eastern Poland on international markets: Germany, Spain, as well as intensifying links with foreign partners and increasing brand recognition and foreign sales revenues.
As part of the project, we anticipate increasing the company's competitiveness on European markets and thus widening the range of customers for its new range of products. Strengthening the market position, and thus increasing sales, will allow the company to undertake further development activities.
Total project value: PLN 328 289,88 pln
EU funding for the project: PLN 230 881,10 pln
EU funding for the project: PLN 230 881,10 pln